Davis County, Iowa

Founding: 1844 (declared in 1843)
Parent county: Unorganized territory
Namesake: Garrett Davis, Kentucky politician
Seat: Bloomfield (1843–)
Land area: 502 square miles
Population (2020): 9,110
Population (historic): 7,264 (1850); 15,565 (1870); 15,258 (1890); 13,315 (1910); 11,150 (1930)
Periods of population growth: pre-1850–1880; 1890s; 1970s; 1990–2020
Subdivisions: Four cities; 15 townships
National Register listings: 15
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 1,159 (32.2%)
Pre-1940 housing survival rate: 40.5%
Pre-1860 housing survival rate (1940): 1.5%
Farm housing in disrepair (1950): 10.1%
Nonfarm housing in disrepair (1950): 9.9%
Average farmhouse value (1930): $1,622
Average outbuilding value (1930): $1,304
Average farmhouse size (1940): 5.9 rooms
Number of farms (1920): 2,089
Average farm size (1920): 119.1 acres
Sources of settlement: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, and Pennsylvania


Namesake: A traditional name
Founding: 1844 (platting); 1844 (post office); 1852 (incorporation)
Population (2020): 2,640
Population (historic): 287 (1850); 1,553 (1870); 1,913 (1890); 2,028 (1910); 2,226 (1930)
Periods of population growth: 1844–1870; 1880–1900; 1910–1940; 1950s; 1970s; 1990–2020
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 483 (36.5%)

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Outstanding Buildings

  1. *Stone House (1857). Whitefish Trail along the Des Moines River. Salt Creek.
  2. *Byram Wilson House (c. 1832). 32873 227th Road. Union.
  3. *Henry Russell House (1859). 250th Road and Fern Road. West Grove. Razed.
