Jackson County, Wisconsin

Founding: 1853
Parent county: La Crosse
Namesake: Andrew Jackson, U.S. president
Seat: Black River Falls (1853–)
Land area: 988 square miles
Population (2020): 21,145
Population (historic): 4,170 (1860); 13,285 (1880); 17,466 (1900); 16,468 (1930)
Periods of population growth: pre-1860–1900; 1910s; 1930s; 1960–1980; 1990–2020
Subdivisions: One city; five villages; two CDPs; 21 towns
National Register listings: Six
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 2,002 (20.2%)
Pre-1940 housing survival rate: 55.1%
Pre-1860 housing survival rate (1940): 4.3%
Farm housing in disrepair (1950): 12.5%
Nonfarm housing in disrepair (1950): 15.7%
Average farmhouse value (1930): $1,446
Average outbuilding value (1930): $1,777
Average farmhouse size (1940): 6.3 rooms
Number of farms (1920): 2,577
Average farm size (1920): 73.9 acres
Sources of settlement: Norway, Sweden, Germany, and New York
Black River Falls
Namesake: A waterfall along the Black River
Founding: 1840s (founding); 1849 (post office)
Population (2020): 3,523
Population (historic): 570 (1860); 1,427 (1880); 1,938 (1900); 1,950 (1930)
Periods of population growth: pre-1860–1890; 1920–2010
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 432 (25.2%)
