Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

Founding: 1682
Parent county: Unorganized territory
Namesake: The city of Philadelphia
Seat: Philadelphia (1682–)
Land area: 134 square miles
Population (2020): 1,603,797
Population (historic): 54,391 (1790); 258,037 (1840); 674,022 (1870); 1,293,697 (1900); 1,950,961 (1930)
Periods of population growth: pre-1790–1920; 1940s
National Register listings: 601
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 285,003 (41.2%)
Pre-1940 housing survival rate: 51.8%
Pre-1860 housing survival rate (1940): 16.9%
Housing in disrepair (1950): 4.2%
Average farmhouse value (1930): $3,504
Average outbuilding value (1930): $19,666
Number of farms (1920): 423
Average farm size (1920): 33.5 acres
Namesake: A Greek neologism meaning "brotherly love"
Founding: 1682 (platting); 1701 (incorporation); 1775 (post office)

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Outstanding Buildings

  1. *Stenton / James Logan Estate (1723–1730). 4601 North 18th Street. Georgian.
  2. *Woodford / William Coleman House (1756–1758). 2300 North 33rd Street. Georgian.
  3. *Joseph Ryerss Estate (1859). 7370 Central Avenue. Italianate.
  4. *Laurel Hill / Samuel Shoemaker House (c. 1767/1813/1846). 3487 Edgeley Drive. Georgian.
  5. *William Hay House (c. 1760/1838). 3301 West Girard Avenue. Greek Revival.
  6. *Glen Foerd / MacAlester–Foerder Estate (c. 1850/1902–1903). 5001 Grant Avenue. Italianate/Classical Revival.
  7. *Lemon Hill / Henry Pratt House (c. 1800). Lemon Hill Drive. Federal.
  8. *John Bartram House (c. 1730/1740/1760). 5400 Lindbergh Boulevard. Eclectic.
  9. *Mount Pleasant / John MacPherson Estate (c. 1761). 3800 Mount Pleasant Drive. Georgian.
  10. *Rockland / George Thomson House (c. 1810). 3810 Mount Pleasant Drive. Federal.
  11. *Strawberry Mansion / Lewis–Hemphill House (c. 1785/1828). 2450 Strawberry Mansion Drive. Federal.
  12. *William Rhawn Estate (1881). 801 Verree Road. Eclectic.
