Northampton County, Virginia

Founding: 1634
Parent county: Unorganized territory
Namesake: Northamptonshire, England
Seat: Eastville (1690–)
Land area: 212 square miles
Population (2020): 12,282
Population (historic): 6,889 (1790); 7,715 (1840); 8,046 (1870); 13,770 (1900); 18,565 (1930)
Periods of population growth: pre-1790; 1800–1830; 1850–1930; 1970s
Subdivisions: Five town; two CDPs
National Register listings: 31
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 1,489 (20%)
Pre-1940 housing survival rate: 38.8%
Pre-1860 housing survival rate (1940): 17.8%
Farm housing in disrepair (1950): 24.9%
Nonfarm housing in disrepair (1950): 18.4%
Average farmhouse value (1930): $2,249
Average outbuilding value (1930): $964
Average farmhouse size (1940): 5 rooms
Number of farms (1920): 1,259
Average farm size (1920): 38.1 acres
Namesake: Perhaps a reference to the Eastern Shore
Founding: 1690 (founding); 1773 (platting as Northampton Court House); 1792 (post office)
Population (2020): 300
Population (historic): 313 (1900); 332 (1920); 316 (1940)
Periods of population growth: pre-1900–1930; 1970s; 1990–2010
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 92 (28.7%)

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Outstanding Buildings

  1. *Hungar's Episcopal Church (1742). 10118 Bayside Road. Georgian.
  2. *Brownsville / John Upshur House (1806/1809). 11369 Brownsville Road. Federal.
  3. *Chatham / Scarborough Pitts Farm (1818). 9218 Chatham Road. Federal.
  4. *Cessford / John Kerr House (c. 1801). 16546 Courthouse Road. Federal.
  5. *Eyre Hall / Littleton Eyre House (c. 1735/1760/1807). 3215 Eyre Hall Drive. Georgian.
  6. *Grapeland / Edward Addison House (c. 1825). 3745 Grapeland Circle. Federal.
  7. *Kendall Grove / George Parker House (c. 1813/1840). 5304 Kendall Grove Road. Federal.
  8. *Lower Northampton Baptist Church (c. 1900). 24280 Lankford Highway. Gothic Revival.
  9. *Leaven Smith House (c. 1730). Smith Lane, east of Occohannock Neck Road. Razed.
  10. *Vaucluse / Upshur House (c. 1784/1829). 3352 Vaucluse Lane. Federal.
