Burnett County, Wisconsin

Founding: 1871 (declared in 1856)
Parent counties: Douglas and Polk
Namesake: Thomas Burnett, Wisconsin politician
Seat: Grantsburg (1871–1985); Meenon (1985–)
Land area: 822 square miles
Population (2020): 16,526
Population (historic): 706 (1870); 4,393 (1890); 9,026 (1910); 10,233 (1930)
Periods of population growth: 1860–1920; 1930s; 1960–2000; 2010s
Subdivisions: Three villages; one CDP; 21 towns
National Register listings: Nine
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 1,505 (9.9%)
Pre-1940 housing survival rate: 36.9%
Farm housing in disrepair (1950): 14.6%
Nonfarm housing in disrepair (1950): 9%
Average farmhouse value (1930): $1,078
Average outbuilding value (1930): $1,034
Average farmhouse size (1940): 4.7 rooms
Number of farms (1920): 1,872
Average farm size (1920): 42.5 acres
Sources of settlement: Sweden, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Norway, and Germany
Grantsburg (ex-seat)
Namesake: Ulysses Grant, U.S. president
Founding: 1867 (post office); 1886 (incorporation)
Population (2020): 1,330
Population (historic): 101 (1880); 612 (1900); 777 (1930)
Periods of population growth: pre-1880–1920; 1930–1950; 1960–1980; 1990s
Pre-1940 residences (estimated): 184 (27.9%)

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Outstanding Buildings

  1. *Zion Lutheran Church (1915). 11841 Road Z. Trade Lake. Gothic Revival.
  2. *Log House. Road Z, northwest of Gabrielson Lake. Razed.
  3. *John Jacobson Farm (1873). 11314 Crosstown Road. Wood River.
  4. *August Forsman Log House. State Route 70, southwest of the Wood River. Razed.
